New User Portal

Side by side with previous design

Side by side with previous design

Mobile view

Mobile view

Style Guide

Style Guide

Annotated Site Map

Annotated Site Map

Education User Flow

Education User Flow

User Dashboard

Designed a new user portal for ASCP members that features a personalized, card-based dashboard.

Conducted stakeholder interviews, heuristic evaluation, and user testing to ensure design met the varying objectives of several departments.

Worked closely with the development team by planning and participating in agile sprints, iterating on the design as updates and issues surfaced and ensuring final build met usability and style requirements.

New store design

Checkout flow

Checkout flow

Mobile product listing

Mobile product listing

Mobile product detail

Mobile product detail


Led redesign efforts for new online store with simplified product navigation, transactional flows, enhanced marketing widgets, and responsive mobile views.

Created interactive Axure prototypes that allowed various departments to review and provide input throughout the design process.